
Saturday, February 28, 2015

I love my girly side

I love being a crossdresser, a sissy boy, a TG Captioner and express my thoughts in my blog.

I love dressing like a girl and sharing my girly side. Sometimes are innocent feelings, but sometimes I have sexual desires that I want to share.

And I don't want to live with the fear of being banned if I'm so horny and I express it in a NSFW caption.

I don't understand why the majors find nudity and sexual needs disgusting but instead they don't tell a word about wars, crimes and other creepy thing that are really disgusting but we find in the newscasts.

Due to it, I don't know what to do with this blog: continue publishing and take the risk of being banned? wait, and see what the rest of TG Captioners do?

I'm dreary because, we had to migrate from smartgroups to Yahoo Groups, and then we found blogger for publishing our creations in a free mode (a powerful, fully customizable but easy to use platform).

And now, what? Tumblr is not the same, and they have a really risky banning policy if you are not careful with the links. Youtube and G+, has similar restrictions to blogger. Facebook and Pinterest discarded (they think that sexual and sensual is the same, and ban you at the slightest chance. Twitter, limited to 140 chars and very fleeting.

This may seem hard to believe, but these female celebs born a day as men.

Sunday, February 22, 2015

The changes are irreversible. Hypnotized and tricked by his exgirlfriend

"OMG! She did it again!" Said Mike as he heard the trigger word that takes him off from the trance. He curses the day he told her ex-gf that hypnosis was a hoax. Since that night, he is at her mercy. And the pranks are going more and more far.

Read some new sissy captions at: 2015 Sissy Captions

Friday, February 6, 2015

Dressed up for the fraternity

As a pledge, You have to impress the jocks at the fraternity you want to join.

And you nailed it!!!

This may seem hard to believe, but these female celebs born a day as men.

Sunday, February 1, 2015